Manage Properties
Default Shortcode
The following Shortcode displays the properties of all agents and control buttons to publish or delete them.
Please note that this shortcode will display nothing when you’re not logged in.
Changing Role
By default, only an administrator can access this page. You can change this behavior to some other role also by providing it in the role attribute. The following shortcode will only allow editors to access this manage listings page.
[rem_manage_properties role="editor"]
Allow Admins Also
You can use the shortcode attribute admin=enable to allow admins as well to manage the listings. The following shortcode will give the permission to both Admins and Editors to manage the listings.
[rem_manage_properties admin="enable" role="editor"]
Contents for non logged in users
You can provide inner contents in the shortcode that will be displayed when the user is not logged in. The following shortcode will display a text Please login with an Admin account when you’re not logged in or you can’t access this page.
[rem_manage_properties]Please login with an Admin account[/rem_manage_properties]