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Labels and Headings

There some hard-coded labels and heading titles that you can customize from Real Estate Manager -> Settings -> Labels and Headings.

Details Heading

Property details page displays a section with title Details, you can customize this Details text here.

Features Heading

Property details page displays a section with title Features, you can customize this Features text here.

Video Heading

Property details page displays a section with title Video, you can customize this Videotext here.

Maps Heading

Property details page displays a section with title Map, you can customize this Map text here.

Tags Heading

Property details page displays a section with title Tags, you can customize this Tags text here.

Attachments Heading

Property details page displays a section with title Attachments, you can customize this Attachments text here.

Tags Heading for Archive Pages

Single property tag page displays a title Archive “Tag Name”, you can customize this text here. You can also use special tag %tag% to display tag name.

Heading for Properties Page

Provide heading for properties archive page here.

No Results Found Message

Provide custom message when no properties found in search results.

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