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How to add 360 Virtual Tour?

Create a separate section

First, you need to create a custom section/tab/panel. Please go to Real Estate Manager -> Field Sections and click on Create New button. Now navigate to that newly created section and provide the section title as 360 Virtual Tour, and name as virtual_tour, and set accessibility as public. Now click on the Save Sections button.

Create a custom field

Then, you need to create a field inside that section. For this purpose, please go to the Property Fields menu and drag a Shortcode field, set the appropriate title and data name (title will not appear on the frontend), and choose the newly created section from Admin Setting Tab. Now save the changes.

Provide 360 tour code

Now, when you will edit a property, you will see a new text field under a new section 360 Virtual Tour. You can provide the iframe or other code from any 3rd party 360 tour service to that field and it will render it on the frontend.

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